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HomeBibob-actOur guidance

Our guidance

It is of course possible to initiate legal proceedings in case a licence, subsidy or transaction is refused or revoked on the grounds of the Bibob Act (LINK). However, it is possible to avoid many proceedings by providing information clearly and in an appropriate manner. This can often prevent unnecessary delays in the process.

For this reason, we offer guidance in bibob investigations. Wherever necessary, we will clearly explain what information is required and the documents that must accordingly be provided. We will also assist you with the completion of the questionnaire and, if required, also draft a covering letter. This is because the form often provides limited space for answers, and in any case there is no opportunity to provide further information. A covering letter may ensure that the bibob investigator of the administrative body quickly understands the situation. The guidance that we provide will also avoid pitfalls when completing the application (LINK).

Please contact us (LINK) in case you would like more information about the options available for assistance during a bibob investigation. We can provide support in various ways.