Michiel Kuyp | Lawyer (partner)
Educational and training background
Michiel Kuyp studied Dutch Law (Criminal Law) as well as Criminology at Leiden University. He was trained as a lawyer by Bas Martens and his skills were later honed by Willem Jebbink and Jeroen Soeteman. He successfully completed his post-graduation in "Criminal Evidence", "Financial Economic Criminal Law" and the "Specialisation in Criminal Law" at the Free University of Amsterdam.
Michiel has been working ever since it was legally permissible for him to do so. In the past, he was a lecturer at Leiden University and worked in the Criminal Law Division of The Hague District Court. He then became a criminal lawyer.
Michiel prefers direct communication. He does what he says and does not like false promises. While exclusively practising Criminal Law for several years, his primary focus was on financial and economic criminal law (fraud cases). Nevertheless, he also regularly handles criminal cases, meaning that he can often be found wearing his robes in a variety of courtrooms. He therefore not only possesses the required 'study room wisdom', but he also knows how things actually work in the world of criminal law.
"It is possible to win a criminal case at any stage. Not just at the time of the verdict, but before as well. This is why it is important to define a clear strategy at the earliest possible juncture."
Michiel is regarded as creative and proficient in presenting any point of view with conviction.
- Supersnelrecht / Supersnelpech, Elsa Magazine, 2011
- De bajesboot-activiste; Volkskrant Magazine, 15 september 2012 (lees hier)
- De Staat onfeilbaar. De toekomst onpeilbaar; Tijdschrift Onderneming & Strafrecht in de praktijk, SDU uitgevers, nummer 1, september 2013 (lees hier)
- Overheid aansprakelijk, dat is duur; Opinie & Debat in NRC Handelsblad, 21 september 2013 (lees hier)
- En Groninger ZZP’er en een dubbele moord; Rob Zijlstra in: Koud Bloed True Crime Magazine, 2015, nr. 28 (lees hier)
- Staatssecretaris Dijkhoff ontkent, terwijl het onderzoek nog in volle gang is. Advocaat: gesprek met cliënt afgeluisterd, de Volkskrant, 14 december 2015
- Flater politie met undercovergeld, De Telegraaf, (lees hier)
- Lecturer in Criminal Law, vocational training for the legal profession, Netherlands Bar Association (2017-2023) (link);
Member of the Supervisory Committee, Penitentiary Institution Alphen aan en Rijn;
Member of the Dutch Association of Criminal Law Attorneys (link)
Member of the European Criminal Bar Association (link)
Member of the European Fraud and Compliance lawyers (link)
Member of the Association of Cassation Lawyers in Criminal Matters (link)
Member of merit of the Dutch Association of Young Criminal Defense Lawyers (link)
Michiel Kuyp has registered the following legal areas in the register of legal areas of the Netherlands Bar Association:
- Criminal law
- Cassation (Supreme Court)
This registration obliges him to obtain ten training points in each registered legal area in accordance with the standards of the Netherlands Bar every calendar year.
More information can be found via this link: registration mr. M.M. Kuyp